Our Spring 24′ Wednesday Webinar series is dedicated to Teacher Education in Digital Media Literacy and organised as part of the TeaMLit project (providing guidance, resources and support for teacher trainers in Europe) and follow up the sessions which took place in Autumn ’23. These events focus on the experiences of media literacy practionners and experts and provide opportunities to share best practices, knowledge and quality resources.
In this fifth session: “TeaMLit’s Training Trails: Building Media Literacy Competencies in Pre-service Teachers across Europe and Beyond”, trainers from Germany, Spain, and USA shared their experiences in navigating national realities and crafting effective training programs.
Moderator: Sally Reynolds , Media & Learning Association, Belgium
Building Media Literacy Competencies in Pre-Service Teachers across Europe
Dr. Lina Pranaytite, Heidelberg School of Education, Germany
on developing a critical media literacy online module, Main points:
- HSE in Germany
- Critical Media Literacy
- Online Module
- Peak Inside
Presentation can be found HERE.
Dr. Charo Sadába Chalezquer, University of Navarra, Spain
on pre-service teacher training situation. The case of Spain ,Main points:
- A clear gap
- Potential solutions
Presentation can be found HERE.
Dr. Michael Robbgrieco, Sacred Heart University, USA
on integrating media literacy in-service training, and how to build on this experience to inform pre-service secondary teaher candidates,Main points:
”Hitching Wagons: Integrating Media Literacy in U.S Teacher Education through School Reform Initiatives”
- U.S Context: Decentralized Governance & Trends in Teacher Education and Media Literacy
- Media Literacy in K-12 Schools with In-service Teachers
- Media Literacy in Pre-service Teacher Education
Presentation can be found HERE.
Links shared in the chat:
- Heidelberg School of Education online module on ”Critical Media Literacy”: https://hse-heidelberg.de/forschung-und-transfer/critical-media-literacy/online-module-critical-media-literacy-omcml
- HSE / Critical Media Literacy: https://hse-heidelberg.de/forschung-und-transfer/critical-media-literacy

The sole responsibility for any content supported by the European Media and Information Fund lies with the author(s) and it may not necessarily reflect the positions of the EMIF and the Fund Partners, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the European University Institute.