The programme for our next Media & Learning Online conference on Managing and innovating video-based services in Higher Education is now complete and we are preparing for a busy event. Registration is still open and there are still places available for you and your colleagues to join.
The first topic of the day is about managing the demand for audiovisual support services and, what many see as the changing role of all type of centres supporting teaching and learning in HEIs. We are delighted to have three researchers who are all actively investigating the roles and demands placed on such centres supporting inovation in higher education and in measuring how this is changing.

They are Alexandra Mihai, Maastricht University, the Netherlands, Laura Czerniewicz, University of Cape Town, South Africa and Deborah Arnold, AUNEGe, France
Alexandra, Laura and Deborah recently ran a survey with members of the Media & Learning Association to evaluate the current status of such centres and will be sharing the results of their survey during this session.

The use of video is on the increase in all aspects of teaching and learning and no less so than in pre-service teacher training. We are delighted to have John McCullagh from Stranmillis University in Belfast, UK join us to talk about his recent book on the topic and to discuss his findings with members of our association who are all actively involved in pre-service teacher training. They are Christian Koger, University of Education Upper Austria, Austria, Janne Länsitie, School of Professional Teacher Education, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finland and Steven Verjans, UCLL, Belgium
Teaching in hybrid formats is a big challenge for many academic staff these days and supporting teaching staff in this situation can be difficult as they and the services that facilitate them struggle with what for many is a juggling act that far too often results in one group of students feeling left out. Meet our panel of experienced practitioners who will be talking about how they cope with hybrid teaching and what they suggest others should do to make the most out of these challenging teaching scenarios.

Zac Woolfitt, Inholland University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands & Anas Ghadouani, The University of Western Australia, Australia,

Danielle Hinton, Higher Education Futures institute (HEFi), University of Birmingham, UK, & Rónán Ó Muirthile, IADT, Ireland

Next up on the agenda we will be taking a deep dive into the resources developed in the NewMedia Centre in Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands to support teaching staff in their choice of video format. Wiebe Dijkstra and Pim van Schöll will talk about how they use these resources and sharing their experience of directing teaching staff towards different formats.
Pim and Wiebe will be joined by three leaders of centres engaged in similiar work to discuss the use of such guides. They are Anke Pesch, Limel, KU Leuven, Belgium, Nawaal Deane, Digital Media Unit, University of Cape Town, South Africa & Lana M. Scott, MIT, USA
During the afternoon we will feature several examples of really interacctive courses and learning approaches developed and delivered by Peter Musaeus & Mads Ronald Dahl, from Aarhus Universitet, Denmark & Tracy Poelzer, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
We will also have a series of inserts from our sponsoring members when Mediasite will be presenting Connect, their new complete online event solution; Panasonic will focus on how their technological solution encourages active learning; TechSmith will describing 5 ways to level up video engagement using Camtasia; WolfVision will be showing how Visualizer and Cynap systems can be used to create outstanding learning spaces and Kalyzée will be sharing their experience of setting up hybrid classrooms in French universities.
During our session on the MEDEA Awards in the afternoon, we will be welcoming back the 7 finalists in this year’s MEDEA Awards who will each be showing a short clip from their entry. We will then announce the overall winner of this year’s awards as well as the winner of the popular audience favourite prize – you can still vote for your favourite here.
We plan on rounding off the day with a discussion on where teaching and learning is headed in the coming months and how support services can best plan in such uncertain times. Taking part in this session will be Sónia Hetzner, Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany, Dominik Lukes, Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Oxford, UK, Marco Toffanin, University of Padova, Italy, Carlos Turro Ribalta, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain & Erik Heijmans, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
So join us for at least part of the programme on November 18. Registration is open here.