Yes – using video can lead to better learning… and here’s the proof!

If you’re like us, then many of your colleagues doubt whether media can really be as good for learning as traditional classes. “Surely the interactivity and collaboration of classes trumps the scalability of media” they say. Well, this meta-analysis tested those assumptions by pulling together over 100 studies. It showed that video were not only scalable, but they tend to lead to better learning, even compared to traditional classes.

But how do we design video and media that sticks? As we all know, there’s a big difference between well-produced multimedia and lecturers with cheap webcams teaching the way they did in an auditorium. This series of video pulls together a range of meta-analyses, like the one above, but instead of looking at the effects of video overall, they look at the effects of specific design features in video and media. They’re a one-stop-shop for designing evidence-based multimedia.


Dr. Michael Noetel

Senior Lecturer, School of Behavioural and Health Sciences, Australian Catholic University, Australia